AI Desk: AI-powered Customer Support for your website

Provide instant, personalized support with AI Desk.
Our intelligent chatbot resolves queries 24/7, boosts satisfaction, and drives sales.

Provide instant, personalized support with AI Desk. Our intelligent chatbot resolves queries 24/7, boosts satisfaction, and drives sales.

Trusted by the world leaders:

4 easy steps to boost your sales and customer service.

1: Import data

Connect your data sources, such as website or multiple files, to provide information about your business to the AI chatbot.

2: Customize the Widget

Adjust the appearance of the chatbot to align with your brand's style. This includes editing colors, logos, and behavior settings.

3: Embed it on Website

Insert the AI chatbot widget onto your website using an easy-to-use embed script.

4: Enjoy 24/7 AI support

Watch how the AI assists your customers and generate new leads around the clock.

AI Assistant logo
AI Assistant logo

Features of AI Support

Not just a live chat, but a new era of customer service.

Huge money savings

Money savings

$3629 - average monthly rate for a support manager in the US. AI will cost you $18.99

$3629 - average rate for a support manager in the US. AI cost $18.99

Hot Leads Radar

AI Desk detects potential customers based on their conversations and online behavior, like frequent visits to pricing pages, highlighting those with high purchase intent.

Knows all about your business

Easily train AI ​​Desk with information about your products, services, promotions and company policies, allowing it to provide accurate and relevant information to customers without manual intervention.

Support 24/7

Available around the clock, AI Desk ensures no customer query goes unanswered.

Easy to use

Very easy to set up, very beneficial to use.

Very easy to set up, very beneficial to use.

Forever FREE chat widget

Our chatbot is forever free for customers who want to use it manually, so don't waste money on other tools, you know who's really generous..

Move faster with AI Desk

Find out how AI Desk has helped other companies.

It's Free

Start today, the manual widget is free and always will be.

Online widget

Suitable for everybody


Real-Time Communication

Leads collecting

Customizable Widget

Forever free

Premium add-ons:

PRO Analytic



Deep statistic

Mass leads export

AI Functionality



AI chatbot training

AI Support 24/7

Identifying Hot Leads

White Label



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All in 1

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PRO Analytic

AI Functionality

White Label

Free trial

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